Step-by-Step Printables for Creatives Who Are Ready to Make Soul-Singing Painting Magic & Kick out the Fear of Messing Up
If you’re brand-spankin’ new to acrylic painting, your tree art looks like a sad, deformed stump begging to die, or you got no clue what to paint in the first place, keep scrolling….
If I took a peek at your canvas real quick would I find:
❌ The grass you painted looking more like armpit stubble than graceful, wispy blades?
🙁 You’ve bought every brush under the sun but your clouds still look like angry flying caterpillars terrorizing your landscape?
❌ Or a blank, empty canvas sitting on your easel, collecting dust secretly judging you because you just have no idea what to paint on it?
It’s not like you wanted any of that to happen.
❌ You’ve followed all the Youtube tutorials, constantly pausing and squinting as the instructor magically paints trees, clouds, and grass, while you anxiously stumble through…
❌ Not to mention the hours spent searching for that “one brush trick” in that one tutorial you watched 5 months ago and can’t seem to find anywhere….
❌ or (gasp) you’re so afraid to mess up your canvas, you actually DON’T paint anything at all.
Which is why you need an up-close and personal guide that will get you quickly slapping paint on canvas, making things you’ll actually love and keep you brimming with ideas to create more….
The Paint Slapping Magic of Brushes

Step-by-step video instructions to help you paint better trees, branches, clouds, backgrounds, and thinner lines even if you’ve never touched a brush before or have no idea what to actually paint.
The Paint Slapping Magic of Brushes tutorials includes the following:
- Various brush types and what each can do in a painting
- Create crisp detail lines to put that touch of wow in any painting
- Painting trees and branches
- Painting grass
- Painting leaves and flowers that appear far away
- Painting backgrounds and applying paint evenly
- Painting clouds
- Painting rounded petals and leaves (daffodils & violets)
- Painting thinner rounded petals and leaves (daisies & sunflowers)
- Painting pointed petal shapes (tulips)
- Painting pointed leaf shapes
- Avoiding stumpy thick lines, uneven paint spread, and redoing brush strokes
- How to surround yourself with inspiration and pick the best subject to paint
- Perfect techniques with the use of acrylic medium
Plus, you’ll get 2 magical bonuses that’ll get you making beautiful acrylic art and not feel like you’re wasting perfectly good canvas:
BONUS 1: Printable, highly detailed breakdown of each brush stroke from the videos PLUS practice brush stroke sheets, so you can follow along and take your instructions everywhere and anywhere you go.

BONUS 2: Access to The Artist Idea Blaster, a 4-step guide for picking painting ideas that set your soul on fire with excitement and finally solve that pesky problem of “I don’t know what to paint”.

And you can get access to all the super-detailed video tutorials (plus the bonuses) for just $29 little dollars.
Imagine finally making that painting that gets your creativity flowing, your soul singing, and your heart swelling with the pride.
Questions smart peeps ask before getting their login info:
Can’t I just find all this on Youtube?
You probably can, if you’re willing to sift through hours and hours of content, visualize all the techniques and somehow made your own guide doing so. But, as someone who once thought taking the free route was the best option, it took me the longest to learn and actually start painting – meaning years and years of investing time and energy. If you got that time, cool. If not, this guide will definitely help you get painting NOW. Not tomorrow. Not next week or next year. Now. And not after finding that Youtube video you’ve been forever searching for.
I’m a beginner. Do I need this?
If you want to get a head start on how to use your brushes, from holding, to paint loading, to specific brush strokes that you’ll use in 80% of all paintings, then you’ll directly benefit from this course.
I’ve been painting for a while, but still need help. Is this course for me?
If you have already dipped your toes into the wonderful world of acrylic, then you’ll know how important having a good brush technique is. So if you feel your brush work can use some -ahem- work, then yes, this is a great program for you. Not only that, you’ll get printable reference guides and helpful idea generating tips that you can take anywhere with you.
So, what exactly am I getting?
You are getting highly detailed videos PLUS printable visual guides and practice sheets that you can use on hand and literally take anywhere with you. You’ll be able to see up-close brush strokes, how much pressure to apply, and what angles to start at. Plus, if you’re prone to procrastinating or don’t know what to even paint, you’ll get my secret idea-generating tactics that are both eye-opening and fun, including a 40 word drawing and painting prompts sheet.
But what if The Paint Slapping Magic of Brushes stinks?
Since I stand 100% behind this course – this bad boy is a use it or don’t buy it type of program.
Ok, how do I access these guides?
ok, ok! I was waiting to tell you, but not only will you get my detailed guides, you will also get a bonus mini-tutorial on utilizing a lot of the brush techniques so you can practice along with me. But to answer your original question this course is hosted on Teachable – which means after you go ahead and slap that buy button, you’ll get a confirmation email and immediate access to the course containing your guides and bonuses.
Isn’t this class also on Skillshare?
yes, I also offer The Paint Slapping Magic of Brushes on Skillshare. But, instead of paying for a subscription service without the bonuses, you’ll just pay a one time payment AND get all the added bonuses that is not offered on the Skillshare platform. A total upgrade and win-win if ya ask me 😉